Prophets and Messengers in Islam

There are around 124,000 messengers and 315 prophets. However, mukmins are required to know about 25 main prophets. Below are the list of main prophets:

  1. Prophet Adam AS (The first human being created by Allah)

  2. Prophet Idris AS (The first human who can read and write)

  3. Prophet Nuh AS (The first human who build a ship or an ark)

  4. Prophet Hud AS

  5. Prophet Saleh AS

  6. Prophet Ibrahim AS

  7. Prophet Luth AS

  8. Prophet Ismail AS

  9. Prophet Ishaq AS

  10. Prophet Ya'akub AS

  11. Prophet Yusuf AS

  12. Prophet Ayyub AS

  13. Prophet Syu'aib AS

  14. Prophet Musa AS

  15. Prophet Harun AS

  16. Prophet Zulkifli AS

  17. Prophet Daud AS

  18. Prophet Sulaiman AS

  19. Prophet Ilyas AS

  20. Prophet Ilyasa’ AS

  21. Prophet Yunus AS

  22. Prophet Zakaria AS

  23. Prophet Yahya AS

  24. Prophet Isa AS

  25. Prophet Muhammad SAW (The last prophet and messenger)

    Miracles - Revelation of the Al-Quran, Splitting of the Moon (Shaqq al-Qamar), Night Journey and Ascension (Isra and Mi'raj), Chest Open by Angle, Birth Extinguish Flame and Destruction of Worship Stone, Soul Created From Light, Can See at the Back of his Head, Blessing All Around him, Cloud Cover, Multiplication of Food and Water, Water Flowing from His Fingers and Doa, Healing the Sick and Blessings in Prayer, Tree Trunk Crying, Summon of The Trees, Protection from Enemies, Conversion of Jinn, Prophecies

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